Window Quirks
Window Quirks are fix up for exceptional applications in the operating system, for example, under Ubuntu, all applications which uses GTK will have a drop shadow which is added in the frame extents and thus Spirit might not have a good placement, Qt application does not have this issue.
So you can set a global quirk for your OS which will count for the window decoration and will be applied automatically to all spirits loaded. If some program you use are Qt or does not have decoration you can add another Quirk especially for this process.
So far only Ubuntu and GNOME based DEs have issues, Qt Applications and KDE Plasma seems to be fine, while Windows and MacOS ironically are perfect in regards to getting active window dimensions accurately.
To add or remove Quirks, Go to File -> Quirks.
Visible Name is OPTIONAL but Program is REQUIRED. The program should be the name of the process.
For example, if it's GNOME Terminal then this should be gnome-terminal-server
or something. By
default you will be editing the global quirks which will be added to all application regardless of the
You can use xprop
tool to get the process name by verifying the window class string which is used
by Spirit.