Class QAppImageUpdate
Header: | #include < QAppImageUpdate > |
qmake: | include(QAppImageUpdate/QAppImageUpdate.pri) |
Inherits: | QObject |
QAppImageUpdate is the main class which Reads Embeded Update Information, Checks for Updates, Writes the Delta, Downloads The Remaining Blocks and finally Verifies the Checksums.
In each stage, You can connect with specific signals to listen to each stage of the revision process(You can also control them). Thus all you need is this class to do the entire update.
Internally this class purely uses signals and slots to communicate to private classes which are single thread and non-blocking(Optionally runs in a separate thread). This class only holds a pointer to the private implementation (PIMPL). For most of the time, This class does not leak memory but if it does please report it on github.
All methods in this class is reentrant and thread safe.
Public Functions
Return Type | Name |
void | setGuiFlag(int) |
void | setIcon(QByteArray) |
void | start(short) |
void | cancel() |
void | setAppImage(const QString&) |
void | setAppImage(QFile *) |
void | setShowLog(bool) |
void | setOutputDirectory(const QString&) |
void | setProxy(const QNetworkProxy&) |
void | clear() |
Return Type | Name |
void | torrentClientStarted() |
void | torrentStatus(int,int) |
void | started(short) |
void | canceled(short) |
void | finished(QJsonObject , short) |
void | error(short, short) |
void | progress(int, qint64, qint64, double, QString, short) |
void | logger(QString, QString) |
Static Public Members
Return Type | Name |
QString | errorCodeToString(short) |
QString | errorCodeToDescriptionString(short) |
Variable Name | Value |
QAppImageUpdate::Action::GetEmbeddedInfo | 0 |
QAppImageUpdate::Action::CheckForUpdate | 1 |
QAppImageUpdate::Action::Update | 2 |
QAppImageUpdate::Action::UpdateWithTorrent | 3 |
QAppImageUpdate::Action::UpdateWithGUI | 4 |
QAppImageUpdate::Action::UpdateWithGUIAndTorrent | 5 |
QAppImageUpdate updater;
updater.start(QAppImageUpdate::Action::CheckForUpdate); // Checks for update.
GUI Flags
Variable Name | Meaning | Value |
GuiFlag::ShowProgressDialog | Show the progress dialog during update. | 0x1 |
GuiFlag::ShowBeforeProgress | Show the progress dialog before the update starts. | 0x2 |
GuiFlag::ShowUpdateConfirmationDialog | Show a update confirmation dialog. | 0x4 |
GuiFlag::ShowFinishedDialog | Show a message box when update is finished. | 0x8 |
GuiFlag::ShowErrorDialog | Show a error message box when update is errored. | 0x10 |
GuiFlag::NoShowErrorDialogOnPermissionErrors | Do not show error dialog on permission errors. Only emit error. | 0x20 |
GuiFlag::NotifyWhenNoUpdateIsAvailable | Show a message box when there was no update. | 0x40 |
GuiFlag::NoRemindMeLaterButton | Do not show 'Remind me later' in the confirmation dialog. | 0x80 |
GuiFlag::NoSkipThisVersionButton | Do not show 'Skip This Version' in the confirmatino dialog. | 0x100 |
GuiFlag::NoConfirmTorrentUsage | Do not confirm when torrent update is used. | 0x200 |
GuiFlag::Default | Give the default combination of flags | 0x1df |
The Default flag enables ShowProgressDialog, ShowBeforeProgress, ShowUpdateConfirmationDialog, ShowFinishedDialog, ShowErrorDialog, NotifyWhenNoUpdateIsAvailable, NoRemindMeLaterButton, NoSkipThisVersionButton
Member Functions Documentation
QAppImageUpdate(bool singleThreaded = true, QObject *parent = nullptr)
Default Constructor, Constructs the Updater with a assumed AppImage Path which is most likely the AppImage which is running this updater. The assumed AppImage Path will only be correct if and only if this updater is running from a AppImage.
The default value for singleThreaded is true but you can set it to false to run all the resource of the updater in a seperate thread excluding this class.
You can set a QObject parent to make use of Qt's Parent to Children deallocation.
QAppImageUpdate updater;
QAppImageUpdate(const QString&, bool singleThreaded = true, QObject *parent = nullptr)
This is an overloaded constructor, Constructs the Updater with the given QString as the AppImage Path. If the given QString is not a valid AppImage Path, Then the updater will automatically guess the AppImage Path, The guessed AppImage Path will be accurate only if the updater is running from an AppImage.
The default value for singleThreaded is true but you can set it to false to run all the resource of the updater in a seperate thread excluding this class.
You can set a QObject parent to make use of Qt's Parent to Children deallocation.
QAppImageUpdate(QFile *, bool singleThreaded = true, QObject *parent = nullptr)
This is an overloaded constructor, Constructs the Updater with the given QFile as the AppImage itself. If the pointer is invalid or has other sort of read errors, The updater will emit error but when forced to start, Again the updater guesses the AppImage Path in order to continue with the extraction. If the guessed AppImage Path is not an AppImage but a normal elf file then this result in a invalid magic byte error. See error codes for more information.
The default value for singleThreaded is true but you can set it to false to run all the resource of the updater in a seperate thread excluding this class.
You can set a QObject parent to make use of Qt's Parent to Children deallocation.
void setGuiFlag(int flag)
Set the given integer as the flag for GUI update if used. See the GUI Flags.
void setIcon(QByteArray icon)
Set the given icon which is saved as QByteArray. You have to save your QPixmap
as a QByteArray, see the official docs.
/// C++ Ref for saving QPixmap as QByteArray
QPixmap pixmap;
QByteArray icon;
QBuffer buffer(&icon);;, "PNG"); // writes pixmap into bytes in PNG format
QAppImageUpdater updater;
void start(short action)
Starts a specific action as given in the argument of the start slot. Valid actions are put up in the Actions table.
QAppImageUpdater updater;
void cancel()
Cancels the update. Emits canceled(short action) signal when cancel was successfull.
void setAppImage(const QString&)
Sets the AppImage Path as the given QString.
WARNING: If you set the AppImage yourself, Then any guessing will not be done and all errors relating to find the correct path to AppImage should be handled by the programmer. This is seen in the case of AppImageLauncher where the actuall AppImage can be guessed by the Updater if do not set the path yourself.
void setAppImage(QFile *)
Sets the given QFile as the AppImage itself.
void setShowLog(bool)
Turns on and off the log printer.
Note: logger signal will be emitted all the time if the library is compiled with LOGGING_DISABLED undefined , setShowLog will not affect this activity at all, But setShowLog will print these log messages if set to true.
void setOutputDirectory(const QString&)
Writes the new version of the AppImage to the given Output directory, Assuming the given QString a directory path. The default is the old version AppImage's directory.
void setProxy(const [SLOT]
Sets the given QNetworkProxy as the proxy to use for all network communication for the updater.
QNetworkProxy proxy;
AppImageDeltaRevisioner Revisioner("Ein.AppImage");
Revisioner.start(); /* Start the updater */
WARNING: when using torrent support, only HTTP and SOCKS5 proxy is supported.
void clear()
Clears all internal cache.
void torrentClientStarted()
Emitted when torrent client is started.
NOTE: In builds without torrent support, this signal is never emitted.
void torrentStatus(int num_seeders, int num_peers)
Emitted on every progress of torrent download if BitTorrent is used for update.
NOTE: In builds without torrent support, this signal is never emitted.
void started(short action)
Emitted when a action is started successfully.
void canceled(short action)
Emitted when the update is canceled successfully.
void finished(QJsonObject info, short action)
Emitted when a action is finished successfully. The given QJsonObject is variable and it is dependent on different actions.
The QJsonObject will follow the following format with respect to json for Action::GetEmbeddedInfo
"IsEmpty": <True if the update information is empty>,
"FileInformation": {
"AppImageFilePath": <Local AppImage Absolute Path>,
"AppImageSHA1Hash":<Sha1 hash of the local AppImage>
"UpdateInformation": {
"transport" : <zsync/gh-releases-zsync/bintray-zsync>,
<Based on the transport this part changes>
gh-releases-zsync ,
"transport" : "gh-releases-zsync",
"username" : <Username of the author>,
"repo" : <Name of the repo>,
"tag" : <continuous / latest / other>,
"filename" : <Latest AppImage Zsync filename with wild card>
bintray-zsync ,
"transport" : "bintray-zsync" ,
"username" : <Username of the author>,
"repo" : <Name of the repo>,
"packageName" : <Name of the package in bintray>,
"filename" : <Name of the latest AppImage Zsync file>
"transport" : "zsync",
"zsyncUrl" : <Url of the Zsync Control File>
The QJsonObject will follow the following format with respect to json for Action::CheckForUpdate
"UpdateAvailable": <Boolean, True if update is available>,
"AbsolutePath" : <Absolute path to local AppImage>,
"LocalSha1Hash" : <Sha1 Hash of local AppImage>,
"RemoteSha1Hash" : <Sha1 Hash of Remote AppImage>,
"ReleaseNotes": <Release notes of the latest release if found>,
"TorrentSupported": <Boolean, True if torrent update is supported>
The QJsonObject will follow the following format with respect to json for Action::Update
action(And all other update action variants),
"OldVersionPath": <Absolute Path to the old version>,
"NewVersionPath": <Absolute Path to the new version>,
"UsedTorrent": <Boolean, True if torrent was used to update
void error(short errorCode, short action)
Emitted when the updater is errored. The given short integer is the error code. See error codes.
void progress(int percentage , qint64 bytesReceived , qint64 bytesTotal , double speed , QString speedUnits, short action)
The updater's progress is emitted through this unified signal.
Where ,
Variable | Description |
percentage | % Finished revising the latest AppImage. |
bytesReceived | The received bytes of the latest AppImage. |
bytesTotal | The total bytes of the latest AppImage. |
speed | The transfer speed value. |
speedUnit | The transfer speed unit(e.g. KiB/s , etc... ) for speed. |
action | The action this progress refers to. |
void logger(QString , QString)
Emitted when the updater issues a log message with the first QString as the log message and the second QString as the path to the respective AppImage.
QString errorCodeToString(short errorCode)
Returns the error as a string denoting the error code.
QString errorCodeToDescriptionString(short errorCode)
Returns a human readable error string for the given error code.