Handling Errors from AppImageUpdaterBridge
Using static function AppImageUpdaterBridge::errorCodeToString(short)
you can get the error code name as
a QString , The below table tabulates all error codes with respect to their error name.
Note: All are under the AppImageUpdaterBridge namespace so make sure to include it.
Error Code | Value |
NoError | 0 |
NoAppimagePathGiven | 1 |
AppimageNotReadable | 2 |
NoReadPermission | 3 |
AppimageNotFound | 4 |
CannotOpenAppimage | 5 |
EmptyUpdateInformation | 6 |
InvalidAppimageType | 7 |
InvalidMagicBytes | 8 |
InvalidUpdateInformation | 9 |
NotEnoughMemory | 10 |
SectionHeaderNotFound | 11 |
UnsupportedElfFormat | 12 |
UnsupportedTransport | 13 |
IoReadError | 50 |
ErrorResponseCode | 51 |
GithubApiRateLimitReached | 52 |
NoMarkerFoundInControlFile | 53 |
InvalidZsyncHeadersNumber | 54 |
InvalidZsyncMakeVersion | 55 |
InvalidZsyncTargetFilename | 56 |
InvalidZsyncMtime | 57 |
InvalidZsyncBlocksize | 58 |
InvalidTargetFileLength | 59 |
InvalidHashLengthLine | 60 |
InvalidHashLengths | 61 |
InvalidTargetFileUrl | 62 |
InvalidTargetFileSha1 | 63 |
ConnectionRefusedError | 64 |
RemoteHostClosedError | 65 |
HostNotFoundError | 66 |
TimeoutError | 67 |
OperationCanceledError | 68 |
SslHandshakeFailedError | 69 |
TemporaryNetworkFailureError | 70 |
NetworkSessionFailedError | 71 |
BackgroundRequestNotAllowedError | 72 |
TooManyRedirectsError | 73 |
InsecureRedirectError | 74 |
ProxyConnectionRefusedError | 75 |
ProxyConnectionClosedError | 76 |
ProxyNotFoundError | 77 |
ProxyTimeoutError | 78 |
ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError | 79 |
ContentAccessDenied | 80 |
ContentOperationNotPermittedError | 81 |
ContentNotFoundError | 82 |
AuthenticationRequiredError | 83 |
ContentReSendError | 84 |
ContentConflictError | 85 |
ContentGoneError | 86 |
InternalServerError | 87 |
OperationNotImplementedError | 88 |
ServiceUnavailableError | 89 |
ProtocolUnknownError | 90 |
ProtocolInvalidOperationError | 91 |
UnknownNetworkError | 92 |
UnknownProxyError | 93 |
UnknownContentError | 94 |
ProtocolFailure | 95 |
UnknownServerError | 96 |
ZsyncControlFileNotFound | 97 |
HashTableNotAllocated | 100 |
InvalidTargetFileChecksumBlocks | 101 |
CannotOpenTargetFileChecksumBlocks | 102 |
CannotConstructHashTable | 103 |
QbufferIoReadError | 104 |
SourceFileNotFound | 105 |
NoPermissionToReadSourceFile | 106 |
CannotOpenSourceFile | 107 |
NoPermissionToReadWriteTargetFile | 108 |
CannotOpenTargetFile | 109 |
TargetFileSha1HashMismatch | 110 |